Expore Nepal Travel – Annapurna Ways

Explore Nepal – Annapurna Ways is a tour , offering an incredible mixture of nature, yoga, traditions, food, history and adventures in Himalaya.


Are you curious and eager to experience Nepal in only 2 weeks ?

This is all in one packages trip to experience Nepal – for lifetime Experience .


From Kathmandu valley , a city of devotes and temples , to Poon Hill (3210 m) with its 360 degree of Mt.Annapurna range and Mt. Dhaulagiri range , enjoying easy to moderate pace mountain trekking and daily pre and post hike yoga, you will get an opportunities to explore the stunning nature of Himalaya, discover ancient traditions and temples in the cities , celebrate one of the biggest festival of Nepal – Tihar Festival ( Deepawali Fesival ) – best known as Festival of Lights like local and search of Bengal Tiger and One horned Rhino in famous Chitwan National Park .


Open to all levels and ages, this tour is for those who love all kinds of adventures and enjoy being active .


01 : Kathmandu arrival transfer to Hotel

02 : Kathmandu Sightseeing

03 : Kathmandu drive to Pokhara ( 7 hour )

04 : Pokhara drive to Nayapul ( 45min ) trek to Ulleri

05 : Ulleri trek to Ghorepani

06 : Ghorepani – Poon Hill Climb ( 1 hour ) then trek to Tadapani

07: Tadapani trek to Ghandruk

08: Ghandruk trek to Tolkha

09: Tolkha trek to Australian Camp

10: Australian Camp trek to Khude drive to Pokhara

11 : Pokhara drive to Chitwan

12: Chitwan Jungle Safari Activities

13: Chitwan drive to Bhaktapur via Kathmandu ( 7 hour )

14 :  Bhaktapur sightseeing drive to Kathmandu

15 : Flight Back to your destination

Please let us know your preferred date of travel if you don’t find a place on our fixed departure.

Date & price

The yoga trekking in Nepal will take place in Autumn Season 2023.

2023: Explore Nepal Travel – Annapurna way ( 15 days trip with Special offer.)


– Airport transfer

– Full trekking programme with a government authorized and experienced guide
pre- and post- trekking daily yoga classes with a certified and experienced yoga teacher- airport transfer
– Annapurna Conservation Fee
– TIMS Card ( Trekker Information Management System )
– trekking porter as per needed
– accommodation in an International Guest House in Kathmandu on Bed and Breakfast
– accommodation in  Northface Inn Hotel in Pokhara on Bed and Breakfast
– guided sightseeing tour of Pashupatinath, Boudhanath, and Kathmandu Durbar Square
– dormitory accommodation during the trekking
– three meals a day during trekking (breakfast, lunch, tea biscuit on day and dinner)
– Insurance of your staff during trekking
– transport during trekking programme
– a small medicine kit box (First Aid Kit)
– a trekking map
– farewell dinner with traditional Nepali food


Name of Trips

Date of Travel

End of Travel



Expore Nepal Travel – Annapurna Ways






Olga (www.yolga.nl) is a passionate Yoga teacher, a retreat leader and an enthusiastic active person, who loves all kinds of outdoor activities – walking, hiking, trekking, running, biking, having fun.

She is one of these people who were lucky to find their path after being torn between working as a lawyer, family life and her personal interests, which were impossible to handle all together without stress. At first yoga helped her face the stress but very soon it became her passion and true devotion.


Olga is now a certified yoga teacher based in Amsterdam, experienced in Hatha, Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga yoga. She introduces to the practitioners asana and postures with an aim to develop an awareness of the body, the mind and the breath in a balanced and motivational way. 

She has been running Yoga@Hiking events in Europe for years and she would be glad to offer pre- and post-hiking and trekking classes for all Nepal explorers.


– Airport transfer

– Full trekking programme with a government authorised and experienced guide
pre- and post- trekking daily yoga classes with a certified and experienced yoga teacher- airport transfer
– Annapurna Conservation Fee
– TIMS Card ( Trekker Information Management System )
– trekking porter as per needed
– accommodation in an International Guest House in Kathmandu on Bed and Breakfast
– accommodation in  Northface Inn Hotel in Pokhara on Bed and Breakfast
– guided sightseeing tour of Pashupatinath , Boudhanath and Kathmandu Durbar Square
– dormitory accommodation during the trekking
– three meals a day during trekking (breakfast, lunch, tea biscuit on day and dinner)
– Insurance of your staff during trekking
– transport during trekking programme
– a small medicine kit box (First Aid Kit)
– a trekking map
– farewell dinner with traditional Nepali food


Not Included:

– return flights to/from Kathmandu
– lunch and dinner in Kathmandu/Bhaktapur/Nagarkot– aside from the farewell dinner and breakfast the other meals are not included
– visa
– travel/health insurance
– other personal expenses


1.0 Why should I choose HT Adventures to organize my trek / expedition?

We are the local trekking agency with experience of more than 15 years in the tourism field.

Our guides and trekking staff are government authorized with yearly enhancing the different kind of tourism courses.

Every year we have been organizing trek and tour with 99% successful rate in the Himalaya.

02. What if I have never been trekking before?

Himalaya Travel Adventures are appropriate for beginners / experienced one. It is expected that you should be in good physical shape prior to the trek / expedition,

that you maintain a regular exercise routine or Jogging, and that you are able to walk 5-7 hours per day for most days during trek .

03. How about Mountain Sickness during the trek ?

We have tried our best in itinerary for the pacing and progression to altitude adjustment during high altitude treks.

We (Our guide) closely monitor the effects of altitude on our clients/ trekkers, and in case of sickness, we can move you quickly to a lower altitude.

04. What if I need medical assistance at some point during the trip?

In the mountain we are not sure what will happen but we try our best good things to happen.

In case of emergency, our staff is well trained and knows how to facilitate medical treatment and emergency transport.


Yolga, together with Himalaya Travel Adventure are delighted to welcome you on this Explore Nepal Travel 2020.

We kindly ask you to  read the following carefully. By reserving your place on our Explore Nepal Travel, you are confirming that you agree to and accept the following terms and conditions.

Booking and payment

  • A 10 % deposit is required to reserve a place on this Explore Nepal Travel and the remaining 90 % payment must be paid 60 days before Explore Nepal Travel starts. You will receive an email receipt confirming both payments once both have been transferred.
  • For group bookings, each individual must pay their own deposit to confirm their attendance and their agreement and acceptance of these terms and conditions. A group leader may coordinate the remaining Explore Nepal Travel payments.
  • Explore Nepal Travel price must be paid in full, regardless of any third party charges or exchange rates of currency. Any potential banking transfer fees must be paid by you, and if you decide to use PayPal, a processing fee will be added to your payment.

Booking and Cancellation policy
Upon booking, the participant is requested to pay a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the total price. Once the participant has paid the deposit, the trip is confirmed, subject to payment of the balance of fees owing 60 days prior to your trip commencement date. The participant may then cancel his/her participation on the following basis:

  • For cancellations > 60 days prior to the trip, a full refund of the fees applies (excl. deposit).
  • For cancellations made within 59-30 days before the trip commencement date, we reserve the right to retain 50% of the full fee (plus deposit).
  • For cancellations < 30 days of the commencement date, a cancellation fee of 100% of the full fee applies.


Himalaya Travel Adventures reserves the right to change the travel dates, itinerary and programme. In case of cancellation of the trip by Himalaya Travel Adventures, the client will receive a full refund. However, we are not liable for any costs outside of our services. It is recommended to take cancellation insurance for these costs.

The arrangement and cost of travel are not included in your Explore Nepal Travel booking. It is your responsibility to make the necessary arrangements to reach Kathmandu airport and check what visas or health requirements may be applicable to you.  yolga / Himalaya Travel Adventures are not responsible if you, or another passenger you are travelling with, do not have the necessary documentation for travel, nor are we responsible for any consequences arising from cancellations or delays in travel. Should issues with your travel affect your ability to attend Explore Nepal Travel the cancellation policy will apply (see above).

We strongly recommend that you have travel insurance to come on Explore Nepal Travel. It is your responsibility to have travel insurance that covers yoga, trekking and any activities on Explore Nepal Travel that you may book as well as potential losses, damages, injuries, illness, cancellations and risks.

Health and safety
By signing the reservation form, the participant declares to be in good health and in a reasonable physical condition. Himalaya Travel Adventures /yolga are not liable for any accidents or injuries or damages to property during the trek. We highly recommend to take a travel insurance for the trip.
We are not liable for any traveling delay, strikes, lost baggage or damage to property of any kind. Insurances are not included in the price of the trek.
We are working with qualified guides and teachers who will make efforts to keep the client safe, however, the risk of injuries or accidents cannot be fully eliminated.  We therefore recommend the following:

  • Consult your doctor if you have any doubts about personal health
  • In case of an injury, please inform us in advance of the trip
  • Follow the instructions of the guides and teachers
  • Ask questions if you do not understand the instructions

Before Explore Nepal Travel begins, we will be sending you an Attendee/Sign-In Form to gain a better understanding of your yoga and trekking experience and any health problems or medical conditions that we need to be made aware of.

yolga / Himalaya Travel Adventures reserves the right to advise you not to participate in activities at Explore Nepal Travel if you have any health problems or medical conditions that may be affected by them.

If you feel any discomfort, pain or suffer an injury during any of the activities at Explore Nepal Travel, you must stop as soon as possible and inform us. If you continue with the activity and there are chances of further worsening the injury, yolga / Himalaya Travel Adventures reserve the right to deny your stay and participation in Explore Nepal Travel, without refunding your retreat payment.

We need to be informed of any pregnancies. It is your responsibility to check with your doctor that you are fit to travel and capable of performing the activities we offer.

yolga / Himalaya Travel Adventures are not responsible for any illness, injuries or psychological conditions that you may have nor for any possible risks, illness, injuries or psychological conditions that you may develop during Explore Nepal Travel.

In the unlikely event of any problems arising during Explore Nepal Travel, please inform us as soon as possible. We cannot be held responsible for the behaviour of individual members of the group but will do our very best to resolve any difficulties.

Unforeseen circumstances
yolga / Himalaya Travel Adventures do not accept any liability for cancellations, threat of war, or delays, changes caused by war, terrorist attacks or threats, industrial action, civil strife, strikes, closure of airports/ports, technical problems to transport, natural disaster, staff cancellations, unforeseen changes in your circumstances or other events beyond our control.

Privacy policy
Please be assured that any information you share with us will be kept in the strictest confidence and not passed on to any third parties.  yolga / Himalaya Travel Adventures do not share any registers, records or share any personal or banking data.



L’esperienza fatta in nepal è stata per noi un momento eccezionale che ricorderemo a lungo, visitare un paese così complesso ed affascinante con una guida locale ti consente di capire davvero come vive la gente del luogo. Sahadev inoltre è in grado di essere un’ottima guida dal punto di vista storico ed artistico e la conoscenza dell’italiano lo aiuta a poter essere capito anche da chi non adora l’inglese. Il viaggio è organizzato con cura ma è comunque adattabile a qualsiasi evenienza sopraggiunga, gli alberghi in cui si sosta sono sempre belli e ben tenuti senza sfociare nel lusso (gli hotel di lusso nei paesi poveri a mio parere risultano parecchio pacchiani ed a mio parere irrispettosi). I trekking sono adatti anche al principiante e si addentrano in zone montuose affascinanti e ricche di vegetazione arrivando fino a punti panoramici quali Poonhill da cui si può godere di una vista mozzafiato su alcuni dei giganti delle catena himalayana tra cui il Dhaulaghiri e l’Annapurna. In conclusione è stata un’esperienza fantastica che ci ha consentito di visitare fino in fondo ed in modo consapevole un paese fantastico come il Nepal e molto del merito di tutto ciò va dato proprio a Sahadev. La consigliamo a tutti.

La famiglia Lungo




Namaste Sahadev!

Voglio ancora ringraziarti per il tuo aiuto e i tuoi consigli che hanno reso il mio viaggio in Nepal (Ottobre 2013) un’esperienza indimenticabile. Hai dimostrato di essere una guida preparata nel trekking a Poon Hill e un piacevole compagno di viaggio.Le tue spiegazioni e i tuoi racconti sulla storia e la cultura nepalese sono stati preziosi per avvicinarmi a comprendere questo straordinario Paese.

Posso quindi che raccomandare a chi volesse visitare il Nepal e le sue montagne di rivolgersi a Sahadev ( Himalaya Travel Adventures Company ), per l’organizzazione, la preparazione e la disponibilità nel venire incontro alle vostre richieste ed esigenze.

A presto!

Roberto Nicola

Rome , Italy



In oktober/november 2011 hebben wij de vijfdaagse Poon Hill trek gedaan met Sahadev Rana Magar.

Onze eerste ontmoeting met hem was in ons hotel in Kathmandu. Vervolgens heeft hij alles voor ons geregeld: vervoer, permits en overnachtingen.

Tijdens de prachtige trekking wist hij veel te vertellen over alles wat we tegen kwamen. Het tempo werd door ons bepaald. Eten en drinken regelde hij voor ons.

We voelden ons helemaal in de watten gelegd, voor zover dat kan tijdens zo’n inspanning. Door het prachtige landschap en de zorgzame begeleiding van Sahadev is het een onvergetelijke ervaring voor ons geworden.

Herma Klompsma, Dalen.


Big hug,

Herma and Berend Klompsma

Dalen , Netherlands



In November 2018 my boyfriend and I travelled to Nepal for our holiday. Apart from the many temples and cultural aspects we intended to see, we made arrangements to do the Poon Hill trekking in order to see Nepal’s beautiful nature and the Himalaya’s. Some family friends had done the same trek before a couple of years ago, with Sahadev as their guide, and through them we arranged for him to guide us as well during our trek.

Sahadev met us at our hotel in Pokhara and together with his younger brother, Rabin, we departed to Nayapul, from where the trek would start. We immediately connected with Sahadev, especially since he, like us, had also studied archaeology. He has a lot of knowledge about the nature and culture of Nepal and it was a pleasure discussing these things with him.

The first day was quite hard for us (being from the Netherlands indeed, we don’t have mountains), but Sahadev pulled us through. He adjusted his walking pace to ours and made sure we took breaks at the right time. He also arranged all permits and also the overnight stays at lodges, where we would play card games with Sahadev and Rabin in the evenings.

Every day of the trek we would walk between 4 and 6 hours, which was doable for us (especially since we are not experienced hikers). During the day the temperature was really nice, we would walk in short-sleeved shirts, but in the evening the temperature would drop which left us in our thermo-clothes during dinner at the lodges.

The first two days contain a lot of climbing, which was rather exhausting, but the views made it all worth it. The third day we would go from Ghorepani to Poon Hill, to see the sun rise over the Annapurna mountain range. We were so lucky to have a clear sky in the morning! Later in the day mist came up, and robbed us from any other view from the mountains. The fourth consisted of a slow descend and we crossed some very long (and high) bridges. In the evening we visited the hot springs of Jhinu Danda (such a nice experience considering we couldn’t get a truly warm shower at the lodges we stayed in). The fifth day was the last day, and we had to say goodbye to the Annapurna Conservation Area. We had mixed feelings: we were sad to leave the beautiful nature of the area, but also we were really victorious and glad that we made it to the end!

We are convinced that we couldn’t have a better experience for the Poon Hill trekking. We enjoyed the trekking and have fond memories of it, but most of all we will remember the good times with Sahadev and his brother. We came to Nepal as strangers, and return as friends!

Kind regards,
Susanne and Jord

Trip Facts

  • Price
  • Days 15 Days
  • Altitude 3210 m
  • Difficulty Moderate
  • Group Size Minimum 1
  • Tour Type Private / Group Joining
  • Best Season All Year Round
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Email: info@himalayatraveladventures.com
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