Visit Nepal 2020 – Lifetime Experience ! Himalaya Travel Adventures Prepare for Yoga Retreat Trek and Travel

Yes , We are 10 months end of 2019 and Himalaya Travel Adventures prepare for upcoming campaign of Visit Nepal 2020 – Lifetime Experience .

In this year ; we hope not only to provide a frequently runned trekking and travel but a different experience which promotes for lifetime experience after visiting Nepal .

So we are mixing a Yoga Retreat in our trek and tours ; run by passionate yogis from the different part of world who loves adventure and Nepal .


This 2020 : We will be operating 3 different treks with yoga retreat ; in this trek – you will be doing yoga course morning and evening or with time flexible .


Spring Season : Tsum Valley Buddhistic Yoga Retreat- 17 Days

Autumn Season : Expore Nepal Travel and Yoga Trekking to Mustang , the Forbidden Kingdom of NepalĀ 

Just make sure to grab such a wonderful opportunities in your travel . Or if you have any interested trekking route and want to lead or guide by us ! Please let us know without hesitation ; we will be happy to provide any kind of informations regarding traveling to Nepal .

Thank you

Himalaya Travel Adventures


Himalaya Travel Adventures | P O Box : 8655 | Chaksibari Marg ,Thamel Chowk , Kathmandu , Nepal | Mobile : +9779803996149
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